Saturday, February 27, 2010

UMS School Of Social Science Gets Invite

Persatuan Sejarah Malaysia Cawangan Sabah made the invitation to UMS School Of Social Science to become instituion member and membership is only RM15 per annum, just like the schools membership.

Preserving A Train Station Town

Some of the houses and buildings at Kinarut Town are worth preserving like the 'Kapitan Cina' House or the former Government Department buildings including the former police station. Kinarut Town could be turn into a historical township.

Friday, February 26, 2010

A Town Where The Actress Dtk Maria Manado Used To Perform

Kinarut is a small town in the Papar District. Kinarut is busy on every Saturday when there is a Tamu. It is at this place that you can get river or fresh water fishes like 'Pelian', but they are not cheap selling at RM35/kg. Kinarut started as a Train Station Town and a new Train Station had been completed, just waiting for the new but overdue railway tracks to be completed.

The old wooden shop-houses are still intact and it was in one of these shop-houses that the actress Datuk Maria Man ado used to stay to perform at the cinema which had now been replaced by a Sabah Electricity Building.

UMS and PSMCS consider an MOU

An MOU is in the pipeline to seal the cooperation between the School Of Social Science of UMS and Persatuan Sejarah Malaysia Cawangan Sabah which include programs such as Talks, Seminars, Journal Publication and Historical Projects. The MOU is scheduled to be signed in Q3 of 2010.

Talk on Historical Tourism at UMS

Persatuan Sejarah Malaysia Cawangan Sabah President delivered a Talk on Historical Tourism at the School Of Social Science of the University Malaysia Sabah on February 25, 2010 attended by the Lecturers and undergraduates of History and it was a Talk well received as the topic is something that they had not thought about before especially turning historical sites into income generating products.

3rd Meeting of Persatuan Sejarah Malaysia Cawangan Sabah

The third meeting is scheduled to be held on March 6,2010 at its registered office.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Institution Membership

PSMCS is also taking the necessary steps to initiate the setting up of History Association and Clubs in schools with the support and cooperation of its Director and Deputy Director to encourage and inculcate the interest on history.

Life Membership

PSMCS will encourage its committee members to be life member of the Association but a life member pays a one time fee of RM300

School Of Social Science University Malaysia Sabah Invites PSMCS President

PSMCS President had been invited by the School Of Social Science UMS to give a talk on Historical Tourism on February 24, 2010 at 10 am followed by a meeting with the PSMCS Committee to see areas of cooperation and synergy between both parties on history.

Meeting In Session with PSM HQ on February 7,2010 at Star City

VIP From PSM HQ Kuala Lumpur

Sabah Branch received some important guests from HQ Kuala Lumpur on February 7,2010 and a meeting with the Sabah Branch Committee was held at 4 pm. Also present were the new Education Director for Sabah and his Deputy. It was a fruitful discussion.

It Is A Historic Day

Sabah Branch received a contribution of RM1000 from HQ to fund the publication of its bulletin. Thank you Sir
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